Another St. Louis artist. Mary Engelbreit if you do not know her it is worth exploring. A sample from her bio : An entire industry has grown up around Mary Engelbreit, but it all began with a young girl who just wanted to draw pictures.Mary moved into her first "studio," a hastily vacated linen closet in the St. Louis home where she grew up, when she was just 11 years old. "We jammed a desk and chair in there, and I'm sure it was 110 degrees," she remembers. "But I would happily sit in that closet for hours at a time and draw pictures."
I have always loved her work, and my favorite couch blanket has her cherries on it, it is very
For the next 5 days you will see my work I will hold myself to showing what I have accomplished each day!
I love the Wizard of OZ, in fact I love all things magical and colorful. I love art, creating, admiring, looking at and doing! I have the full support of my wonderful family! My dog (Bogey) even stops playing and admires my paintings! My boys are wonderful. I am going to try and blog each day. New goal. I am a member of the North American Quilling Guild if you would like more information on quilling